CCISD Registration Requirements

General registration for Calhoun County ISD:
Texas state law requires school attendance between the ages of 6 and 18.
A child must be 5 years of age on or before September 1 to enter kindergarten.
To enter first grade a child must be 6 years of age on or before September 1.
Students enrolling in Calhoun County ISD must provide the following documents:
1. "Legal" birth certificate issued by county.
2. Social Security card
3. Proof of physical residence (utility bill or lease agreement)
4. Transcript from previous school
5. Immunization record including DPT, poliomyelitis, varicella, hepatitis B and measles-mumps-rubella.
(A TB test is required if students are entering from outside the United States.)
6. Additional documents needed:
First Day Forms
Responsible Use Form
Chromebook 1 to 1 Form
Requirements for state-funded Pre-Kindergarten (full day):
1. Four years old on or before September 1.
2. Limited English language proficiency, income within guidelines for
free/reduced meals (proof of income required), homeless, or a child of
an active duty member of the armed forces of the US.
3. Documents listed above.
Students who do not qualify for the state-funded service may still enroll for CCISD’s full day Pre-K program. Tuition will apply for those students. A tuition rate of $50 per week, or $200 per month will apply for the 2023-2024 school year. For a nine-month school year, that’s $1800 per year.
Families with children attending Calhoun County ISD for the first time (Pre-K and Kinder) are asked to register the spring before they begin school, during the district's annual "Pre-K and Kinder Roundup" event. This is where parents/guardians of the new students report to their elementary school to register, so that staff and resources are planned for and available.
If you have further questions about the "Pre-K and Kinder Roundup" registration process, please feel welcome to reach out to any Calhoun County ISD elementary campus.
To determine which elementary school your child should enroll with (by home address):
Map of district 1
Map of district 2
Calhoun County ISD PEIMS Coordinator-->
Briana Hardin