Welcome to Port O'Connor Elementary School!
Home of the Dolphins!

Port O’Connor Elementary is a community school located in Port O’Connor, Texas. Port O’Connor is a small coastal community located 28 miles south of Port Lavaca, 50 miles south of Victoria, and 50 miles north of Rockport. The students are Pre-Kindergarten to Sixth grade. There are approximately 100 students in the school with a faculty of 8 teachers.
Port O’Connor students, parents, and staff are proud to have achieved and maintained TEA Exemplary status and recognition as a Distinguished Title I campus for the past four years. The school class sizes are small averaging about 15 students per class. This smaller size enables teachers to provide individual support and individualize learning to help each student reach their full potential. The school environment is very safe and nurturing and the staff truly cares about the students. In addition, we are fortunate to have active involvement from parents and community volunteers to help mentor and tutor the students.
The school is also the center of the community with the building used for sports in the gym, exercise groups in the auditorium, Girl and Boy Scouts meeting center and LIONs club activities in the cafeteria. There is always something happening at the school.
Please stop by and visit our campus at any time. We enjoy having visitors on our campus. If you are interested in being a mentor or tutor, please let us know.
“You can’t beat that Dolphin Pride”
Kelly Wehmeyer

Click for Map of POC Elementary Below:
508 West Monroe
Port O'Connor, Texas 77982
Phone: 361-983-2341 | Fax: 361-551-2605