080923 safe and supportive

2023-2024 Safe and Supportive Schools Program
Posted on 08/09/2023

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Calhoun County ISD cares about our student’s well-being and encourages families to talk to their children proactively about the dangers of vaping. Below is a new Texas law every parent and guardian should know and understand. 

  • HB 114 was passed by the 88th Texas Legislature and signed into law by the Governor.
  • Selling, giving, delivering, possessing, or using an e-cigarette on or within 300 feet of school property or at a school-related activity will result in a mandatory placement at a District Alternative Education Program. 
  • HB 114 includes any component, part, or accessory for the e-cigarette. 
  • A district may adopt and implement a positive behavior program as an alternative to traditional discipline for students below third grade.

Keeping students safe is our primary goal. Each campus is participating in a Vaping Prevention Campaign and initiating grade-level assemblies focusing on education and prevention. Many Calhoun County community partners are also helping to address this concern. 

Calhoun County ISD is encouraging parents to talk to their children soon and regularly about concerns and consequences related to vaping. See Something; Say Something continues to be one of the best tools we can teach our students. Please reach out to the campus counselor or administration if you have any questions or concerns about student safety.


CCISD also has a 24-hour online reporting option located on the website at:


Thank you for your continued support as we work together to protect our students.

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