100224 CHS

Addressing importance of school safety
Posted on 10/02/2024

Dear Calhoun County ISD Community: 

We need your help addressing a critical issue that continues to affect school systems nationwide, including Calhoun County ISD. Students must understand that there are very serious consequences for making claims or threats involving weapons or violence, even when comments are made in jest. We ask that you please take time to discuss the seriousness of this issue with your child. It is important to understand that any type of claim, threat, mention, rumor, prank, or suggestion involving a threat or weapon will be thoroughly investigated. It is crucial that everyone understands these claims are no joking matter, nor should such comments be used to garner a reaction. There are very serious consequences for these actions. Students who engage in conduct of this type are subject to placement in a disciplinary alternative education program,  juvenile justice alternative education program, expulsion, and/or other consequences deemed necessary and appropriate based on the infraction. Parents and students should also understand that in addition to consequences issued under the Student Code of Conduct, students who engage in this type of misconduct may be subject to legal action. 

The safety, security, and welfare of our students is of critical importance and remains our highest priority. We thank you for your partnership and support. 

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