080922 child nutrition

Child Nutrition updates (updated 8/11/22)
Posted on 08/11/2022

Updated information highlighted (8/11/22)

As the new school year of 2022-2023 begins, the Calhoun County ISD Child Nutrition Department would like to share information about two important changes. 

1) Previously, Child Nutrition utilized an online payment system called “My School Bucks” for families to deposit money electronically into their child’s lunch accounts. However, this school year, the district is transferring to a new online system called “Titan Family Portal” - https://family.titank12.com. We believe our families will be happy with the features that “Titan Family Portal” offers, including the ability to identify allergies and control their child’s daily spending and food purchases. Online transactions will charge a processing fee. Parents and students can also put funds into their accounts with cash or a check at the cafeteria register. If your child had a balance in their previous “My School Bucks” account, those funds will be rolled over into “Titan Family Portal”. Please note that at this time, the accounts on “My School Bucks” are reflecting a zero balance, due to the transition of rolling the funds into the new system. Or, if you would rather request a refund check, please contact the Calhoun County ISD Child Nutrition Department at 361-552-5356. 

2) In recent years, Calhoun County ISD received state and federal waivers under the CEP program (for Hurricane Harvey and COVID-19 relief), which provided free school lunch to all students, regardless of free/reduced eligibility. This school year (2022-2023), those waivers are no longer available, and the district will be transitioning back to the National School Lunch Program, where there will be a charge for school lunch unless families qualify for free/reduced meals. 

Here is what families need to know:
- It is important for families to turn in their free/reduced eligibility applications.
- Students who were enrolled in a CEP school last year (2021-2022), will be given free lunch for UP TO 30 DAYS or until their free/reduced lunch application is processed. Calhoun County ISD was a CEP district last year. Here is a list of other schools classified as CEPs last year.
- Once applications are processed, the student’s eligible or ineligible status takes effect immediately, and students will be charged for lunch according to their status under the National School Lunch Program.

The school meal prices for this 2022-2023 school year are:
- Breakfast: free for all students, $3.00 for adults
- Lunch: $2.25 for elementary students, $2.50 for middle and high school students, $0.40 cents for students eligible for reduced prices, $3.50 for adults.  

Questions can be directed to the Child Nutrition Department at 361-552-5356. 
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