Financial Transparency


Financial transparency is increasingly important to many citizens. The Federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (stimulus act) calls for detailed reporting to the public; and the public and media have raised expectation for transparency at all levels of government

The Calhoun County ISD Business Office is dedicated to meeting the increased demand for transparency.  Calhoun County ISD has increased its efforts to provide transparent financial information in a format that is easily understandable and in a way to promote transparency and accountability for all CCISD Stakeholders.

As part of this continuing process, this portion of Calhoun County ISD’s website is dedicated to meet this increased demand for transparency and provide our stakeholders with more direct access to important financial documents.

Financial Transparency Summary         |      Debt Transparency Summary

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Click on the title links below to view this financial information.

Adopted Budgets:

A school district budget is an annual plan for maintaining the financial health of the organization. All school districts are required by state law to adopt a balanced budget each year. The district budget serves a variety of purposes: It’s an estimate of district income to be received and a plan for district spending; it’s a policy document that reflects the vision and priorities of the district; and it’s an operational plan for making district decisions. School district budgeting is a constant process involving continuous planning and evaluation. 

Budget *Proposed*:

Budget Message:

Budget - Excel Format

Budget Comparison

Chapter 313 Agreements:

Check Registers:

A check register is a listing of all payments incurred monthly by the District. The check register includes payment date, payment amount, payee and description for each entry.

Conflict of Interests:

Debt Information and Sources Bond Series 2014 and Prior:

The official purpose for which the 2014 debt obligation was authorized for $65,000,000 was for the acquiring, designing, renovating, construction, and equipping school facilities, the purchase of necessary sites for school facilities and the purchase of new school buses and levying of a tax in payment thereof.

Before 2014, the last bond election was held in 2007 for $22,000,000.

Calhoun County ISD Does not have any lease-purchase or lease-revenue obligations at this time.

Debt Information and Sources Bond Series 2024:

The official purpose for which the 2024 debt obligation was authorized for $25,000,000 was the purpose of designing, constructing, renovating, improving, upgrading, updating, acquiring and equipping school facilities, and the purchase of the necessary sites for school facilities, the purchase of new school buses, and to conformity with the laws of the State of Texas, including Chapter 45, and amended, Texas Education Code.

Before 2024, the last bond election was held in 2014 for $65,000,000.

Debt Transparency Summary:

     Revenue-supported Debt Obligations 

The official purpose for which the 2024 debt obligation was authorized for $25,000,000 was the purpose of designing, constructing, renovating, improving, upgrading, updating, acquiring and equipping school facilities, and the purchase of the necessary sites for school facilities, the purchase of new school buses, and to conformity with the laws of the State of Texas, including Chapter 45, and amended, Texas Education Code.

Before 2024, the last bond election was held in 2014 for $65,000,000.

***As of July 22, 2024 - Calhoun Co. ISD does not anticipate calling a bond election within the next 12 months.

Financial Investments Reports and Information:

Quarterly Investment Reports provide information and analysis on the District's investments in accordance with the Texas Public Funds Investment Act. 

Financial Statements:

This annual report consists of four parts: management’s discussion and analysis, the basic financial statements, required supplementary information and another schedules section that presents various Texas Education Agency required schedules. The basic financial statements is comprised of the Government Wide-Financial Statements that provides both long-term and short-term information about the District’s overall financial status, the Fund Financial Statements that focus on individual parts of the government and reports the District’s operations in more detail and the Notes to the Financial Statements that explains and provides more detailed data.

Financial Transparency Summary:

The following summary data is from the 2023-2024 budget passed August 28, 2023 by the Calhoun County School Board of Trustees.  This report is based off of the District’s primary operating fund, i.e. General Fund, Special Revenue Fund for Child Nutrition, and Debt Service Fund for the payment of interest and principal on all bonds.

Independent Registered Municipal Advisor (IRMA) Letter:

The Calhoun County ISD hereby discloses and informs all prospective underwriters and placement agents that it has engaged the services of an independent registered municipal advisor (IRMA or Municipal Advisor).

Monthly Payroll Summary:

School First Report:

The state’s school financial accountability rating system, known as the School Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas (FIRST), ensures that Texas public schools are held accountable for the quality of their financial management practices and that they improve those practices. The system is designed to encourage Texas public schools to better manage their financial resources to provide the maximum allocation possible for direct instructional purposes. 

Student/Staff Equivalent:

Tax Rate Information So


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