Vaping & Fentanyl awareness session for parents on 11/19/24 @ 5 p.m.
Posted on 11/14/2024
A parent session about vaping and fentanyl awareness will be held on Tuesday, Nov. 19, 2024 @ 5 p.m. There will be two viewing format options for your convenience:
District Support Center
607 Tilley St.
Port Lavaca, TX 77979
(Two-story Science Building on Travis Middle
School Campus)
Google Meet: Watch UR BAC Parent Mtg
Phone Numbers
(US)+1 727-564-9393
PIN: 675 609 803#
Vaping and Fentanyl Education is presented by
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Services and is
an interactive program that travels to
community schools to provide information
about the dangers of vaping and fentanyl. The
Watch UR BAC program is recognized by TEA
as a resource to educate students, faculty,
parents, and communities on the dangers of
vaping and fentanyl and meets the curriculum/
instruction content requirements of TEC
ยง38.040. The curriculum is age/audience
appropriate, is presented for all grade levels,
and targets junior high and high school
students. CCISD students in 5th-12th grades
will receive Vaping and Fentanyl Education.