051823 champions

2023 Champions Course info
Posted on 05/18/2023

The Champions Course has been a great tool for the student athletes of Calhoun County. Over the past 18 years, thousands of young men and women have gone through our summer off-season program and reaped the rewards of the Champions Course. Coaches will work on basic skills and promote safety and proper weightlifting techniques. Over 300 of our male and female athletes attended the Champions Course last summer.

We feel very strongly at Calhoun High School that a lot of our success is because of a good summer off-season program. Champions Course has proven to be beneficial for all participants, boys and girls, over the past 18 summers. Our coaching staff promises to help those attending to be prepared for the upcoming athletic season.  

The UIL is also allowing athletes the opportunity to work on sports specific skills this summer. Each athlete is allowed 90 minutes per day on skills but no more than 1 hour per sport.  Most of our coaches have agreed to hold their skills practices from 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. so it allows both high school and junior high kids to attend in between Champions Course. There is no cost for skills practice. If you have any questions, please contact Calhoun Athletics at 361-551-2696

June 12 – July 20 (excluding July 3 & 4)

Days: Monday - Thursday
Times: High School (9th - 12th) 7:30 – 9:30 a.m.

   Junior High (7th & 8th) 10:30 – 12:30 a.m.

Location: Calhoun High School Weight Room - Practice Field - Gym II – Track

* Sports specific skills practice will be offered from 9:30 – 10:30 a.m.

Ages invited: Incoming 7th – 12th grade  

Cost: $20.00
To enroll, please pick up a form from your school's coach.

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